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Chinese translation for "eye socket"


Related Translations:
socket:  n.1.(承物或藏物的)孔,洞,窝,凹处,承口。2.【解剖学】(眼)窝,腔;(齿)槽;【地质学;地理学】牙槽;(烛台的)烛窝;轴孔;【机械工程】承窝;座;套节;轴承。3.【电学】插口,插座,管座。短语和例子the eye socket 眼窝。 an electric bulb socket 电灯泡插座。 a socket pipe 套管。 a reducing socket
gang socket:  联通插座。
eyed:  adj.1.…眼的。2.有孔眼的。3.有眼状花纹的。4.有(某种特点的)眼睛的;有眼状斑纹的。短语和例子blue- eyed 蓝眼睛的。
eye:  n.(pl. eyes 〔古语〕 eyen )1.眼睛,目。 blind in one eye =lose an eye 一目失明。 compound eyes (昆虫的)复眼。 the naked eye 肉眼。 Where are your eyes 难道你看不见? His eyes are bigger than his belly. 他眼谗肚饱。 What the
Example Sentences:
1.I ' ve had my eye socket punched in , a kidney taken out ,
2.Three ribs . broken eye socket . perforated eardrum
三根肋骨(断过) ,眼框破裂耳膜穿孔
3.Pick those suckers up by their eye sockets
4.It is now small enough to be inserted into the eye socket itself
5.A pad or shield of cloth worn over an eye socket or an injured eye
6.Offer adjutant therapy to accommodative myopia , insomnia , and dark eye sockets and help eliminate fatigue
7.Liver meritorious service is regular , send all round eye socket namely yellow , how to return a responsibility ? how should treat
8.I could not rest in the normal way . my eye sockets were blackened and my weight dropped over five kilograms or more
9.Doctors said the pressure of the growth on her eye socket would have caused her to go blind if they had n ' t operated
10.Mcnichol ' s right eye socket was rebuilt , part of the tooth inserted and a lens inserted in a hole drilled in the tooth
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